
This sets up the EventHub SDK for PHPopen in new window for use with Larave, adds commands to manage topics, queues, and webhooks from the console, and the eventhub_hmac middleware for authenticating webhook-delivered events.

There are three key .env settings:

EVENT_HUB_BASE_URLThe Apigee base URL, e.g. https://northwestern-dev.apigee.net
EVENT_HUB_HMAC_VERIFICATION_SHARED_SECRETOnly applicable for consuming messages. Set this to a random string, e.g. base64_encode(random_bytes(32))

A number of other settings are available to control the HMAC security options, but they are set to reasonable defaults. See the config/nusoa.php file if you are interested in these.

You can review your available EventHub queues & topics from the console:

php artisan eventhub:queue:status
php artisan eventhub:topic:status

Sending Messages


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Northwestern\SysDev\SOA\EventHub;

class MyController extends Controllers
    public function save(Request $request, EventHub\Topic $api)
        $message_id = $api->writeJsonMessage('my-team.a-topic-name', [
            'id' => 123,

Consuming Messages

The best way to consume EventHub messages is by setting up webhooks & allowing EventHub to deliver messages to your application in real-time.

This package makes receiving webhooks easy: register a queue name to a route, apply the eventhub_hmac middleware to its controller, and do something with the message:


// In your `routes/web.php`
Route::post('events/netid-update', 'NetIdUpdateController')->eventHubWebhook('my-team.ldap.netid.term');
Route::post('events/employee-update', 'EmployeeUpdateController')->eventHubWebhook('my-team.employee.updates', ['contentType' => 'application/xml']); // for XML messages

// App\Http\Controllers\NetIdUpdateController
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class NetIdUpdateController extends Controller
    public function __construct()

    public function __invoke(Request $request)
        $raw_json = $request->getContent();

        // . . .

Finally, run php artisan eventhub:webhook:configure. It will read through your routes and make the API calls to EventHub that (re)configure all of your webhooks. If you delete a registration, the eventhub:webhook:configure command will ask you if you'd like to delete the webhook config.

App Deployments

It is recommended that you pause webhook deliveries when you deploy updates to your application.

php artisan eventhub:webhook:toggle pause

# Do the deployment ...

# Running configure after deploying makes sure the settings
# in EventHub still match your registered webhook routes.
php artisan eventhub:webhook:configure --force
php artisan eventhub:webhook:toggle unpause

EventHub will retry failed message deliveries for time time if you have forgotten to pause. See the EventHub documentation for more information on delivery re-tries.

EventHub Artisan Commands

The following artisan commands will be available when you install this package.

You can run these with php artisan <command>.

eventhub:queue:statusShow all the queues you can read from & some statistics
eventhub:topic:statusShow all the topics you can write to & who is subscribed
eventhub:webhook:statusShow all your configured webhooks
eventhub:webhook:toggle pausePause all webhooks. Optionally, you can pass a list of queue names to pause just those.
eventhub:webhook:toggle unpauseUnpause all webhooks. Optionally, you can pass a list of queue names to unpause just those.
eventhub:webhook:configurePublishes the webhook delivery routes configured in your route files with EventHub
eventhub:dlq:restore-messagesMoves messages from the DLQ back to the original queue for re-processing.

Test Messages

In the dev & test environments, you should have permission to write messages to the queues you're subscribed to via POST /v1/event-hub/queue/your-queue-name.

You can verify your message processing code is working from the tinker console:

>>> $q_api = resolve(\Northwestern\SysDev\SOA\EventHub\Queue::class);
=> Northwestern\SysDev\SOA\EventHub\Queue

>>> $q_api->sendTestJsonMessage('sysdev.queue.a', ['application_id' => 123])
=> "ID:052d83908c43-35873-1545317905819-1:1:3:1:1"

When using webhooks, the test message should be delivered to your app immediately.