Frontend Stacks

Any application with a frontend benefits from the recommendations in this article.

The Administrative Systems Seal of Approval

These recommendations in this article serve as a good set of "default" options for things.

There may be use-cases where something else is better, but unless & until a justification can be made to use something else, you should draw from this list.

Using the same libraries will allow AS developers to transfer between projects more easily, as technical competencies developed in one project will be transferrable to other projects.

CSS Frameworks

There are three main CSS frameworks to choose from: Bootstrap, Tailwind, and the NU department templates:

Bootstrap 4open in new windowSCSS, jQueryGeneral purpose UI toolkit
Tailwind CSSopen in new windowCSSBespoke website design
Northwestern Department Templatesopen in new windowSCSSOfficial NU theme

Bootstrap is a good 'default' choice for an application: it provides many ready-made UI elements, which will be consistent across all of our Bootstrap applications.

The NU department templates have a smaller number of UI components available, but will yield a look similar to northwestern.eduopen in new window.

Tailwind should only be chosen for bespoke designs. For example, the alumni dev team used Tailwind to replicate designs provided by the Alumni Relations & Development marketing group. Replicating those precise mockup designs in Bootstrap would have been impossible.

Frontend Frameworks

There are a number of frontend JavaScript frameworks available.

NoneJSSimple apps may not need a framework
Vueopen in new windowJSApplication framework
jQueryopen in new windowJSBuilding rich UIs
Livewireopen in new windowLaravel (PHP)Rich UI w/out writing JavaScript

If your frontend needs are simple, consider vanilla JavaScript. A few form field dependencies or a single AJAX call likely do not merit bringing an entire framework into your frontend.

When your needs are more complex, Vue is the framework of choice. Vue is the recommendation for single-page applications (SPAs).

When working with our Laravel stack, Livewire is the "frontend" framework of choice, despite being a backend component.

Phasing Out jQuery

The use of jQuery in your application should be phased out.

jQuery served an important role as a cross-browser adapter & enhancement to what JavaScript functions were available to developers. In this current era, browser support for JavaScript language features is consistent, and enhancements have been made to the language that make many of jQuery's features redundant. This change will be reflected by Bootstrap in the upcoming v5 release.

There may still be UI components that depend on jQuery. Many of the Bootstrap 4-themed UI components (like bootstrap-selectopen in new window) rely on jQuery. This is a reasonable design choice for them in the Bootstrap 4 era, since Bootstrap itself depends on jQuery. You can continue to use these libraries -- the directive is to phase jQuery out, not that developers are forbidden from using it.

UI Widgets

These are ready-made UI widgets like form controls.

AutoNumericopen in new windowVanilla JSImproved number input for forms, esp. for money
DataTables.netopen in new windowjQueryRich table UI w/ AJAX support
bootstrap-datepickeropen in new windowjQueryDate field w/ calendar pop-up
bootstrap-selectopen in new windowjQueryFilterable <select> w/ great multiple support
TinyMCEopen in new windowVanilla JSRich text editor
Font Awesomeopen in new windowCSSIcons