
Amazon provides X.509 certificates, most commonly used for HTTPS, through the AWS Certificate Manageropen in new window (ACM). Any certificates issued by Amazon will be short-lived auto-renewed certificates, eliminating the need for a bunch of manual configuration & webserver restarts.

You should always request certificates from Amazon through ACM for cloud applications. The EACD-CloudOps group does not recommend or support importing certificates issued by other CAs.

Amazon will only issue Domain Verified (DV) certificates. Issuing & renewing Extended Validation (EV) certificates cannot be automated, and no longer offer any benefitopen in new window over DV certs.

You may request a SAN certificateopen in new window that covers several domains; this is useful for a single ALB listener that covers multiple environments.

Any certificate that will be used by CloudFront or an edge-optimzed API gateway (which is using CloudFrontopen in new window) must be created in the us-east-1 region. Your app can exist in us-east-2, but CloudFront is a global service and it replicates all of its data from us-east-1.


Obtaining a certificate is a multi-step process.

Certificate request flow

Certificate requests should be made as IaC with terraformopen in new window.


The entapp.northwestern.edu zone is managed by the EACD-CloudOps team.

We offer an entapp certificate module, and can offer expedited processing on DNS requests for this zone.

When you create a certificate request, ACM requires you to prove that you own the domain(s) you are requesting a certificate for. Until this is done, ACM will not create a certificate & attempting to reference the ARN in terraform will fail.

The request will be visible in the ACM console, at the 'Pending Validation' status. Amazon will ask you to create a subdomain for each domain you've requested a certificate for. Being able to create a subdomain on the requested domain(s) proves that you control that domain.

ACM certificate request

You will need to open a ticket for NUIT-CI-SO-SOC asking to create these DNS records for you:


Can you please create the following new CNAME for AWS cert validation:

CNAME: _d6486a2a6c2aecc5999c9263cd6ca914.as-ado-test.northwestern.edu.
Target: _da2e93d6b676aad059a9995c82895502.mzlfeqexyx.acm-validations.aws.

Note that the leading underscores are significant; please make sure they get copy-pasted!

Thank you for your help.

This must be completed within 72 hours or Amazon will abandon the certificate request. If that happens, you will need to delete the request and start over.

The DNS records created are only for establishing ownership of the domain and issuing the certificates. These records will not set up DNS for as-ado-test.northwestern.edu; you will need to make a separate request for that.

These records must remain in DNS for the lifetime of the certificate. AWS re-checks them when it comes time to renew the certificate.